academic and experiential reflection on psychology, mindfulness, philosophy, spirituality and christianity
in soul pursuit

Sunday, 23 May 2021
A New Pentecost!
Dear All,
Happy Pentecost!
On this day of new beginnings and new languages I have decided to move this blog from its present home to a new domain:
This was not an easy decision but it has become increasingly difficult to use this blog so I was advised that I should set up a new blogsite. My last blog about my friend Fr Kevin Alban received many viewings stressing to me the need to continue this service. However my technical proficiency is limited so I will have to ‘move with the times’. So, thank you for all the feedback you have given here and I look forward to continuing the conversation as we pursue the soul together on the new site...
Come Holy Spirit!
Thursday, 6 May 2021
The Very Rev’d Professor Kevin Alban O. Carm. – An Appreciation
It is with great sadness that the death was announced on 4th May of the Very Rev’d Professor Kevin Alban O. Carm. Since his return to England from Rome in 2014 Fr. Kevin had been very involved with the teaching and delivery of courses at the Institute of Theology and Liberal Arts and the Mater Ecclesiae College at St Mary’s, Twickenham. As well as teaching on the Undergraduate and Masters degrees he was a much valued Doctoral supervisor and examiner who will be greatly missed.
Fr. Kevin was born in Buckinghamshire, England, in 1958 and made his profession as a Carmelite friar in 1996 having worked for many years as an English language teacher. He studied history at Balliol College, the University of Oxford and theology in Rome and London. He was ordained priest in 2001 and has been Vocations Director and Director of St Jude’s Shrine in the British Province of Carmelites. From 2001 to 2007 he was based in Rome as Secretary General of the whole Order, and from 2007 to 2013 Bursar General. He was elected Prior Provincial of the British Carmelites in 2017 and died whilst serving in this office.
Fr Kevin’s doctorate was in the spiritual writings of the medieval English Carmelite, Thomas Netter, awarded from the University of London. It was published in 2010 by Brepols as The Teaching and Impact of the ‘Doctrinale’ of Thomas Netter of Walden (c.1374 – 1430).
As well as teaching at St Mary’s he latterly also taught theology at Blackfriars, Oxford and Mariology at Allen Hall, London. Whilst in Rome he taught at the Beda College and helped set up the collaboration with St Mary’s which is now celebrating its tenth anniversary.
Renowned for his love and enthusiasm for medieval Carmelite spirituality he was a leading expert in the field and contributed much to the establishment of St Mary’s MA in Christian Spirituality. He was a great ‘Italiophile’, loving Roman life and culture, but his heart was deeply connected to Aylesford Priory and the British Carmelites and it is fitting that he died there peacefully on 4th May after a short illness.
May he rest in peace.
Saturday, 3 April 2021
A Conversation with Gian Bellini OP
Happy Easter! For my blog this week a short poem...
Conversation with Gian Bellini OP
The experts agree,
The technique is impeccable:
The cloth unfurled
On the morning breeze,
The dawn caressing
A distant cloud.
Yet somehow,
Between the Easter rabbit
And the flying stag,
Something is lost.
The guard sees it,
And is terrified.
The three ladies,
Shivering on the horizon,
Realise the world has now changed.
The soldiers,
Fed up with all the fuss,
Look at their arms
And their weapons,
In a sorry shield of defence.
Christ, himself,
Floats free.
Stepping gently
Onto eternity
With a delicate touch of imprecision -
Eyed coldly
By the vulture in the tree.
‘Come then, my love
My lovely one come –
Winter has passed –
The time of changes ends...’
The young stag
Peers through the lattice,
Seeking again
Those young spring days –
The Pale Light of the Resurrection –
Once seen, never forgotten.
London, Royal Academy, December 2018
Tuesday, 23 February 2021
Fratelli Tutti Seminar - Wednesday 24th February
Please see details below of the upcoming webinar hosted by Las Casas Institute/Blackfriars (University of Oxford) and St Mary's University – Poster also attached.
Being without Borders: A Symposium on Fratelli Tutti
24th February 2021
Part 1: 3.30-5pm: What does Fratelli Tutti mean for British society?
Part 2: 6-7.30pm: What does Fratelli Tutti mean for global co-operation?
Zoom Details:
Fratelli Tutti is the latest Encyclical of Pope Francis. It translates simply as “All Brothers” and addresses issues of fraternity and social friendship in a post-COVID global context. He signed it in Assisi, a place synonymous with fraternity, faith and care for creation.
To explore the issues raised by Pope Francis, Las Casas Institute/Blackfriars (University of Oxford) and St Mary's University are hosting a symposium sponsored by The Pastoral Review on 24th February when leading academics and protagonists in the field will discuss the significance of Fratelli Tutti for the Church and for the World.
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