Dear All
I just received this link to a short video I did in Dublin earlier this autumn on Teresa's 'Seven Pictures of the Soul' and share it with you:
It is an extended commentary on the first paragraph of 'The Interior Castle':
While I was beseeching
our Lord today to speak for/through me (por mí), as I was unable to find
a thing to say (no atinaba a cosa que decir), or how to begin to comply
with this obedience, what I will say now presented itself (ofreció) to
begin with this starting point: that we
consider our soul to be like a castle, totally of diamond or very clear
crystal, where there are many abodes (aposentos), as in heaven there are
many mansions. Now if we consider it carefully, sisters, the soul of a just
person (el alma del justo)
is nothing else but a paradise where He says he takes his delights (El tiene
sus deleites). Well then,
what do you think such an abode would be like where a King so powerful, so
wise, so pure, so full of good things, takes his delight? I cannot find anything
with which to compare the great beauty and capacity of the soul; and truly our
intellects will no more be able to grasp this than they can comprehend God, no
matter how keen they are, for He Himself said that He created us in his own
image and likeness. (M: 1.1.1)
I say in the video that if you read this you have the whole of Castle summarised! See what you think...
Kind regards
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