academic and experiential reflection on psychology, mindfulness, philosophy, spirituality and christianity
in soul pursuit

Tuesday, 18 April 2017
Wednesday, 12 April 2017
Contemplation to Give Love - Mindful Contemplation for Easter
Happy Easter!
I am presently working on a series of meditations that combine mindfulness with the Christian contemplative tradition. Here is the 'Contemplation to Give Love' which I hope you might enjoy exercising over the Easter period.
God Bless
St Ignatius of Loyola
ends his Spiritual Exercises with an
ecstatic ‘Contemplation to Attain Love’. Here is a part of it:
I recall the gifts I have received, my creation,
redemption and other gifts particular to myself , I will ponder with deep
affection how much God our Lord has done for me, and how much he has given
I see how God dwells in all creatures, in the
elements, giving them being, in the plants, in the animals – feeling in them,
in humans giving them to understanding and so in me, giving me being, animating
me, giving me feeling and
I will speak as one making an offering with deep
affection: ‘Take, Lord, and receive, all my liberty, my memory, my
understanding and all my will – all that I have and possess... Give me only
your love and your grace that is sufficient for me. (Exx 234 - 235)
In a similar spirit I
usually end a retreat or set of exercises with a group with a ‘Contemplation to
Give Love’. Here it is:
Again, take the usual
time to prepare yourself for the exercise. Make yourself comfortable – feet on
the ground, bottom on the seat/floor, back straight. As before spend some time
with the breathing and body exercises we have already done. Now, as in a
previous exercise move your awareness to the heart centre. As before notice the
feeling there and invite Jesus to bring his healing touch there. Feel the warm
hand of Christ on your heart giving you the love you need at this moment. When
you are ready I now want you to transfer that love to those around you. It may
be people in your house or the room or it may be a close friend or family
member. Picture that person in your mind’s eye and give them the love and
healing touch that you have received from Christ. Wish them all good things and
that they will find the peace they are looking for. Now I want you to extend
that love and warm energy to all your family and friends. Bring each of them in
turn into your mind’s eye and transfer that love energy to them, wishing them
all the best for their journey through life. Now I want you to give that love
energy to all your work colleagues, to those who live near you and those you
may have met today. Again, picture them before you – whether you actually like
them or not – and transfer this loving-kindness to them. Pray that they may
prosper and have a good and fulfilling life. If at this point you recall
someone to whom you have difficulty transferring this love stay with them a
while and if necessary ask Jesus to come and help you.
Now I want you to transfer this love
energy to all in your city, town or region. Again contemplate all these people –
some being born today, some dying, some ill and sick, some just married or
newly engaged. Those in happiness, those in despair – equally alike transfer
this loving-kindness to them, this heart-energy that they will find the peace
they are looking for.
Now I want you to transfer this love
across the world. In particular bring before your mind all those trouble-spots
in the world that you hear about on the TV and radio. Bring those who are at
war, who suffer in conflict, who have lost loved ones into your
loving-kindness. Bring the leaders – religious and civic – into your
concentration as you give your loving heart energy to them. Again, evoke the
name of Jesus to be with them now in their hour of difficulty.
Now transfer the energy to all the
animals and plants that surround you at this moment – the birds, insects,
creatures and animals in your neighbourhood. Like St Ignatius thank God for
their being and transfer to them all loving-kindness for their peace and
Finally, like the saint, transfer this
love to all the created elements around you. Thank God for the mystery of this
fragile planet and pass the loving-kindness to the greater mysteries of God’s
love dwelling in all created elements.
Finish the exercise with a short
prayer of thanksgiving before opening your eyes again.
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